Properties of raisins

Consuming raisins has amazing properties, among the “properties of raisins” we can mention strengthening oral health, treating anemia, improving skin health, and improving sleep.

The properties of raisins and their therapeutic benefits for the body

Raisins are made by drying grapes in front of the sun or in a dryer, they are naturally sweet and their flavor is widely used in cooking around the world, especially in desserts.

Are raisins good for you

Although raisins are small, they are packed with nutrients. According to reports, raisins are considered as part of the fruit group. These dried fruits increase energy and are usually considered a healthy tonic for mountaineers and travelers.

Vitamins and nutritional value of raisins

Raisins are a good source of energy, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. They are also high in sugar and calories, but still have a low glycemic index. Raisins contain zero cholesterol and are rich in various nutrients, which are very beneficial for health and include:

Vitamins: vitamin C, folate, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid.

Minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and sodium.

Calories in raisins

43 grams of raisins contain about 129 calories, since they are high in calories, it is recommended not to consume more than ¼ cup of raisins in a day. You can get them easily in stores and they are accessible.

Properties and benefits of using raisins for health:

1. It is rich in fiber and is used as a laxative

Since raisins are a rich source of fiber, it helps absorb natural fluids in the body. This type of fiber is considered insoluble fiber, because it is in a large volume of water and makes it easier for food to move in the intestine. If you consume it regularly, it can also help treat constipation. A study confirmed that if you eat just two servings of raisins a day, it can improve colon function and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

2. Raisins to treat flatulence

The fiber in raisins helps remove harmful substances and toxins from the digestive system, and this can protect against intestinal diseases, bacterial growth, and discomfort caused by flatulence.

3. Raisins to prevent acidity

As mentioned before, raisins are rich in potassium and magnesium, which are a natural remedy for acidity, these minerals are two common elements of antacids, because they are considered basic on the pH scale.

There are two types of acidosis and it treats many diseases of the respiratory system, boils, skin diseases, damage to internal organs, gout and kidney.

4. Raisins rich in iron (treatment of anemia)

Raisins contain a significant amount of iron, which is directly effective in treating anemia. It also contains a lot of vitamin B complex, which is necessary for the formation of new blood, the high copper content also helps in the production of red blood cells.

5. Raisins to strengthen oral health

Raisins are rich in calcium, which helps strengthen tooth enamel for restoration. In addition, the amount of boron in these dried fruits can prevent the growth of oral microbes and strengthen teeth. Oleanolic acid is one of the chemicals found in raisins that plays an important role in protecting teeth against erosion, cavities and brittleness.

6. Raisins rich in antioxidants

Raisins have a high level of antioxidants, which contain catechins, phytonutrients and polyphenols, they protect the body against damage caused by free radicals, which are one of the primary factors associated with cell growth. are cancerous, however, more scientific evidence is still needed to confirm these findings. In addition, the fiber content increases the excretion of bile from the body and reduces toxins.

7. Raisins to help improve bone health

With age, one of the problems that may occur is increased bone fragility. One of the reasons for this is that people do not consume the amount of calcium they need, milk alone is not enough. The good news is that there are many sources of calcium, such as raisins, that can be included in our diet. Apart from calcium, raisins also contain boron, a micronutrient that can help improve the body’s ability to absorb various nutrients.

8. Raisins to increase fertility

Raisins stimulate libido and arousal, many people do not know that raisins contain an amino acid called arginine. This amino acid is responsible for enhancing sexual desire in every person, some men suffer from erectile dysfunction and can perform better after consuming raisins. As mentioned several times in the moist health section, aphrodisiac arginine is a natural substance that increases the level of sperm movement, thus increasing the chances of ovulation during sex.

Consuming these dry and sweet fruits on a daily basis will also help to increase sexual endurance.

9. Raisins to improve skin health

Antioxidants and vitamin C present in raisins rejuvenate the skin and eliminate wrinkles. Their use can prevent conditions such as psoriasis and acne.

10. Raisins to improve hair health

Daily consumption of raisins helps to have shiny and thick hair, because its vitamin C content prevents cell damage. Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent scalp irritation and dandruff.

11. Raisins to improve good sleep

Anemia and iron deficiency may cause insomnia, so consuming raisins, which are rich in iron, can help you sleep better at night.

12. Raisins to help control cholesterol levels

High levels of potassium, fiber, polyphenols, phenolic acid, tannins, and antioxidants in raisins help burn cholesterol and lower blood pressure, thereby improving cardiovascular health.

13. Raisins to help lower blood pressure

Consuming raisins can be great for blood pressure. Many experts believe that the reason for the high efficiency of raisins in reducing blood pressure is the high level of potassium that can be found in them. Basically, potassium can help reduce the tension of blood vessels and the free flow of blood in the body, it can have a positive effect on the body in general.

14. Raisins to help gain healthy weight

Raisins, when consumed alone and together with physical exercises, can help in weight loss. The abundant fiber in raisins keeps you fuller for longer. Raisins are especially useful for people who are underweight and want to gain weight in a healthy way. This dried fruit contains natural sugars, fructose and glucose, which can help increase weight without increasing cholesterol levels.

15. Raisins to help control diabetes

In a number of studies, raisins have been shown to reduce the postprandial insulin response, which means that raisins can prevent the sudden spike in insulin after a meal that would otherwise occur. It can be dangerous for diabetic patients. Raisins also help regulate the secretion of leptin and ghrelin, which are hormones responsible for signaling satiety or hunger to the body.

16. Raisins useful for kidney function

Raisins are rich in potassium, which is why consuming them regularly prevents the formation and recurrence of kidney stones.

17. Raisins to help detoxify the body

The main purpose of the liver is to eliminate toxins that are found in the body and may be formed due to the high consumption of food products containing unhealthy substances. Sometimes, the environment that we are exposed to can also increase the number of toxins found in the body. Getting enough each day to help your liver take the strain out of detoxification can make a huge difference. The better your liver works in detoxification, the clearer your skin will be.

How to eat raisins

  • You can use raisins as a part of your daily diet, use raisins for breakfast instead of sugar or any sweets.
  • For dinner, you can pour it over baked potatoes or vegetables.
  • Use it in salads, which gives a delightful taste.
  • You can use it on your cookies and pancakes as a sweetener and try to reduce the consumption of refined sugar as much as possible.
  • As a snack, you can include dry fruits in your daily diet.
  • Raisin chocolates are also full of energy.

How to store raisins

The best way to store it is to keep it in a dry and cool place. If you store it for more than two months, it is better to put it in a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator, in this way they can be used even longer.

If you want raisins for later use, it is recommended to put them in the refrigerator. You can keep them in the refrigerator for up to one year and in the freezer for up to two years. Long-term storage may result in crystallization (crystallization) of the sugar content of raisins.

To prevent crystallization, transfer the raisins from the covered container to a storage bag and remove as much air from the bag as possible. Seal the bag properly and store it in the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. This prevents the raisins from crystallizing or getting old. You can even wash them in hot water to remove the crystals.

Side effects of excessive use of raisins

Are raisins good for heart health? Yes, it contains nutrients that help maintain a healthy heart and lower blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should eat 8 to 10 raisins in the morning every day, but if this number is too much, it is harmful for heart health.

Excessive fiber in raisins is harmful to the stomach

Eating raisins regularly is very good for the stomach and improves your digestive health, but this is mainly due to the presence of dietary fiber. The dietary fiber present in raisins is used as a natural laxative, which means that it improves bowel movement and prevents constipation, and in the treatment of other digestive system problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, gas and bloating. It is effective.

Although dietary fibers are good for our digestion, it is recommended that you consume them in moderation and not overdo it, as too much fiber is harmful to your digestive health and may lead to Poor absorption of nutrients, intestinal gas, intestinal obstruction, etc.

Too much antioxidants are bad

Raisins are rich in various antioxidants such as vitamin C and other antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols and bioflavonoids, these compounds protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the body and the risk of developing It reduces various cancers. Although antioxidants are good for our body and have many benefits, consuming them over a long period of time may harm the body system.

causing allergies

Some people have an allergic reaction to raisins, such as: wheezing, breathing problems, diarrhea and fever.

Eating raisins during pregnancy

Although we have explained about this in the section of full wet pregnancy, we note that pregnancy is an important stage in every woman’s life and at this stage it is very important for a woman to enjoy a balanced diet full of nutrients. The nutrients that the mother eats not only determine her health, but also affect the health of the fetus. Although raisins are suitable for this period, it is recommended to avoid consuming them in excess as they may cause stomach upset, diarrhea and other digestive problems such as gas and bloating. For this reason, pregnant and lactating mothers are advised to check the standard amount with their doctor.

How many raisins should be consumed during the day

Consumption of raisins should be limited to about 30 grams per day.

Some people have an allergic reaction to raisins, such as: wheezing, breathing problems, diarrhea and fever.

Will raisins help your overall health

Raisins help you absorb fluids in your body and reduce constipation.

Do raisins cause weight gain

They are very high in calories, if consumed in excess, may cause rapid weight gain.

Do raisins increase the risk of diabetes

Dried fruits contain the highest amount of fructose (fruit sugar), which is associated with high triglyceride levels. A study says that high levels of triglycerides can increase the risk of developing diabetes.