
The properties of dried oranges are many. Orange is a type of citrus that grows naturally in autumn and winter. By using dried oranges, you can use its unique properties in other seasons. Research has shown that people who include dried oranges in their daily diet do not have stomach cancer.

The properties of a cup of dried orange fruit are greater than the amount of fresh fruit. Dried fruit is light in weight and easier to move, which is why it is very useful for children and athletes who are out for a long time.

Dried oranges, like fresh oranges, are a rich source of vitamin C. One of the most important and famous properties of vitamin C is the treatment of colds, reducing inflammation of the throat and softening the breast. This vitamin strengthens the immune system and helps the growth and repair of body tissues. This vitamin is essential for the growth of white blood cells and directly affects the body’s defense system. Vitamin C is a wonderful antioxidant that prevents cancer. The lenses of the human eye contain high amounts of vitamin C, which dramatically reduces the risk of cataracts. Vitamin C also helps absorb iron in the body. Dried oranges include vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium and.. Oranges are useful for increasing energy, reducing fever, slimming and treating colds.

Harvest season

The time of harvesting oranges is slightly different according to the type of oranges. In general, the harvesting of high-quality oranges in the fall season starts from November and lasts for about six months.

Considering that buying agricultural products during the harvest season allows you to get a quality product at a better price, we recommend that you take the necessary steps to place an order in advance. we will help you along the way.


Eat dried oranges to have a healthy heart:

Dried oranges are rich in antioxidants and nutrients for the body. This delicious dried fruit is very good for your heart health. In this way, the vitamin C (antioxidant) in it prevents the absorption of free radicals in the body and the closure of arteries by fat. Dried oranges strengthen the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells. The potassium in this dried fruit improves heart condition and strengthens the heart muscle. Eating dried oranges eliminates heart failure and improves blood flow to it.

Anti-cancer properties of dried orange fruit:

As mentioned, this dried fruit is rich in antioxidants. These compounds prevent cancer and eliminate pathogens by strengthening the body’s immune system. Research shows that consuming dried oranges, due to the absorption of vitamin C and mojo fiber in it, will prevent colon cancer.

Dried oranges and their wonderful aroma and taste:

Dried oranges with their pleasant aroma make the mouth fragrant and increase the health of the teeth. One of the properties of dried orange fruit is that it is a wonderful flavor for tea and food. The aroma and taste of dried oranges, along with afternoon tea, can relieve all the tiredness of the day. Also, its use in a variety of foods, in addition to making the food taste good, makes it very nutritious. Cut dried oranges into small pieces and use to decorate jellies and desserts. This tonic can also be considered a delicious snack.

Cholesterol and blood sugar control:

The thin, white skin of dried oranges lowers blood cholesterol and is a good choice for people who are high in fat. It also helps treat diabetes by lowering blood sugar. A daily diet rich in fiber is essential for adequate insulin secretion and control of diabetes. Eating this dried fruit is a good way to control blood sugar.

Properties of dried oranges for pregnancy:

Folic acid is a delicious micronutrient whose deficiency can cause depression. The folic acid in dried oranges rejuvenates and helps cells grow and repair. It is also effective in making and repairing DNA. Folic acid, or folate, prevents the fetal neural tube from closing. Folic acid is an essential vitamin for pregnant women and will lead to the birth of a healthy baby. Due to these points, the properties of dried oranges are beneficial for pregnancy.

Dried oranges, rich in potassium:

The high amounts of potassium in dried oranges make a person more active and fresh. Potassium helps to calm down and help control anger. It also lowers blood pressure and prevents cancer and cardiovascular disease. Potassium prevents the formation of kidney stones and reduces the risk of stroke. Getting enough potassium can reduce your risk of dying from a stroke by up to 20%.

Other ingredients in dried oranges include fiber. Fiber improves intestinal function and facilitates excretion. Fiber promotes better digestion of food. This improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Benefits of dried oranges help prevent intestinal diseases and facilitate bowel movements.

The presence of orange pigments in dried oranges is due to beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, and the vitamin A found in dried oranges is essential for vision and the production of the body’s essential hormones. The presence of minerals such as magnesium and potassium in dried oranges, by creating alkalinity, prevents acidification of the blood and stomach. Dried oranges contain choline, which is involved in learning, increasing memory, improving sleep and preventing muscle cramps.

Properties of dried oranges for the skin:

Vitamin C in dried oranges thins the blood and relieves pimples and skin disorders. It also smoothes and rejuvenates the skin by reducing skin wrinkles. Vitamin C is an important factor in the production of collagen. Collagen is a natural anti-cellulite that repairs skin cells. Vitamin C in dried oranges increases collagen production. Also, the beta-carotene found in dried oranges will prevent skin aging. So do not miss the benefits of dried oranges for the skin.

Another property of dried oranges is the disinfection of microbes. Gallstones are well excreted and used to relieve indigestion. If you suffer from constipation, it is enough to include dried oranges in your diet. You will soon find that your constipation has greatly improved.

Dried orange juice:

Use dried oranges to make a drink. Pour the dried orange or dried orange peel into the boiling water and let it brew for a few minutes. Drinking orange tea opens the airways and eliminates throat infections. Orange juice increases vitality and vitality and prevents depression.