Properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, you have to assume the heavy and dangerous responsibility of becoming a mother from the moment you find out about your pregnancy. For this reason, the properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy is an issue that we focused on in writing this article. Because from now on, taking care of your body will not only be for maintaining your own health, and the health of your fetus also depends on your proper nutrition.

For this purpose, we tried to inform you about its benefits by introducing this nutritious and attractive food as one of the most important foods that should be used in this sensitive period. We also list the nutrients that are abundantly found in these tasty nuts separately so that you can be sure to add them to your food basket.

What are the properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is usually recommended to pregnant women to eat various useful foods. Nuts are one of these foods full of vitamins and proteins that every pregnant woman should consume a certain amount of daily during this period. In this regard, you should know that one of the most useful foods for pregnant people is hazelnut. Among the properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy, it can be mentioned that hazelnuts greatly help the growth and metabolism of the fetus and increase the mother’s energy and strength to go through this period as well as possible.

Now, if you have a question about how hazelnuts help the development of the fetus, the following are some of the effects of this miraculous substance on the fetus:

  • The formation of the skeletal and muscular system of the fetus
  • Helping to form bones
  • Prevention of anemia
  • Helping to form nerves and prevent nerve damage

In addition, the properties of hazelnuts during pregnancy for pregnant women and future mothers include:

  • Strength of teeth
  • Help to strengthen nails and strengthen them
  • Strengthening hair and stimulating hair growth
  • Protection against infectious and viral diseases by strengthening the body’s immune system
  • Relaxation of the nervous system
  • Maintaining muscle strength
  • Stimulation of digestion

These cases are part of the effect that eating hazelnuts daily during pregnancy has on the fetus and its mother. Also, eating hazelnuts after giving birth and during breastfeeding makes breast milk of higher quality and full of nutrients that are necessary for the growth of the baby.

Vitamins in hazelnuts and pregnancy

As you know, the effects of hazelnuts on the mother and fetus are due to the useful compounds in it. Each of those compounds and vitamins have their own special task in the body. Therefore, in this section, we introduce the types of nutrients in hazelnuts.

Vitamins The types of vitamins found in hazelnuts are

Vitamin A: This type of vitamin is one of the main vitamins needed by the body, which is found in a fat-soluble form inside hazelnuts. Among the effects that this vitamin has on the body of the fetus, we can mention the formation of bones and teeth. Another property of hazelnuts during pregnancy is that it increases this vitamin in the body of the mother and fetus.

Vitamin B and its group like (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, etc.): B vitamins generally have a positive effect on mental and nervous health. Also, these vitamins play a role in establishing energy balance in the body and supplying oxygen to the tissues.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant. In addition to the role of this vitamin in the function of bones and connective tissues, it is also very important to increase the immunity of the body.

Vitamin E: This vitamin protects the body from free radicals. These free radicals can change the biochemical structure of the body, which is not a good thing at all. Also, this vitamin works in improving liver function.

Taking vitamins during pregnancy is very important. So, in order to get a large amount of vitamins to your body, it is better not to neglect the consumption of hazelnuts.


In addition to the properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy that have been mentioned so far, other special and rare elements are found inside hazelnuts and reach the body by using them, which are:

Iron: Iron deficiency causes anemia and other problems. On the other hand, the consumption of food containing iron helps the growth of the fetus, increases the resistance of the body and strengthens the defense system in the body of the mother and the fetus.

Calcium: With many advertisements that are always done to explain the importance of this substance, it is clear that calcium plays an important role in strengthening bones and teeth, etc.

Magnesium: This substance is one of the most important nutrients in reducing depression. Also, magnesium makes food digestion easier by affecting the body’s digestive system. In addition, it will prevent heart attacks by regulating blood circulation in the vessels.

Iodine: Iodine has a direct effect on the thyroid gland, plays a role in the mental vitality and freshness of the skin, hair and nails, helps the growth of the fetus and gives extra energy to pregnant women.

Sodium: Sodium is another property of hazelnuts in pregnancy, which helps muscle contraction by strengthening the nerves in the muscles. It also regulates body water and does not allow the body of a pregnant person to suffer from edema (swelling) or dryness. Of course, consuming too much of the amount found in edible salt may have the opposite effect and a pregnant person may experience a lot of edema.

Now you should know that without the use of these minerals, the development of the fetus may not take place completely. As a result, use enough foods containing these items during pregnancy.

Other nutriments of hazelnuts during pregnancy

These substances are among the minerals found in hazelnuts, whose importance in the health of the fetus reminds us of the need to use rich foods such as hazelnuts during this period.

Zinc: Zinc plays a role in memory and learning and fetal brain development by affecting the brain. Also, due to the fact that the lack of zinc in the body of the fetus may cause growth defects and infection, it is recommended that pregnant women use this substance during pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus is another substance that is necessary for the growth of the fetus. Also, the phosphorus in hazelnuts prevents joint pain caused by swelling during pregnancy. This is one of the best properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy.

Sulfur: This substance helps the secretion of bile in the liver, and with this, it makes the skin have a more normal color and the hair becomes shiny. It also helps to strengthen the body’s defense system.

Fluorine: This substance plays a very important natural role in preventing tooth decay and its absorption is done in the stomach and digestive system. That is why eating hazelnuts plays a role in the absorption of this substance. You must know that this material is also used in the production of toothpaste.

As you have seen, most of the rare and nutritious minerals are found in hazelnuts at the same time, and they are very important for the health of pregnant women and their fetuses.

Other important ingredients in hazelnuts

Hazelnut, with its essential amino acids, can be considered a good equivalent for eggs. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women who cannot eat meat. Hazelnut also contains saturated fatty acids. These fatty acids not only do not harm the body, but are very useful for the growth of the body. Therefore, in general, it can be said that this brain meets many of the needs of pregnant people.

Important tips to benefit from the properties of hazelnuts during pregnancy

From the beginning of this text, we tried to explain the properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy. But you must be wondering if this attractive and useful food may have some harm. In this regard, you should know that if you pay attention to the following points while consuming this nut, you will benefit from the properties of hazelnut without any problems.

This brain should not be consumed more than normal or needed during pregnancy or on normal days. Due to the fact that a certain amount of hazelnut consumption during pregnancy is stated (about 40 grams) and consuming too much of it may cause stomach heaviness. Also, its fat may be annoying for pregnant women.

If a person who consumes hazelnut is allergic to eating it, he may be injured. This allergy may cause eczema or swelling of parts of the body, digestive problems, etc.

High consumption of hazelnuts in women who are overweight may cause weight gain.

Those who have high blood pressure may be bothered by eating too much hazelnut.

Excessive use of hazelnuts causes stomach bloating and may even lead to vomiting.

It is better for people who are cold-tempered to eat hazelnuts with honey.

According to these cases, if you do not have any special allergic problem and do not overdo it, you will benefit from its properties in the best way.

Tips for buying and using the properties of hazelnuts during pregnancy

If you want to benefit from the properties of hazelnuts during pregnancy, it is better to prepare hazelnuts with skin. Of course, you should pay attention that the skin of the hazelnut is not too cracked. Because these cracks cause the hazelnut to lose its moisture and freshness sooner. Pay attention to the fact that high-quality hazelnuts should be heavy and plump. Excessively light hazelnuts may indicate that they are old.

Regarding the storage and usage of hazelnuts, you should also know that it is better to keep them in a cool and dry environment like a refrigerator. In this way, whenever you want, break some of it and eat it empty, along with other nuts, along with salad or honey, etc.

last word

In this text, we tried to mention most of the properties of hazelnuts in pregnancy. You realized that hazelnuts are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are essential for the health of the mother and the fetus. Note that during pregnancy, because you are responsible for feeding the growing creature, you should choose your food more carefully and obsessively.

Eating hazelnuts in pregnant women and including them in a rich food plan is one of the best choices. So that it guarantees the physical and mental health of you and your beloved child. For this reason, we mentioned some points that should be considered when buying hazelnuts.