Properties of dried figs, how to prepare and uses of dried figs

Figs are one of the unique fruits that have been used since the past and have many benefits. In this article, we will try to provide you with comprehensive information about this fruit. Stay with us:

In the past, people used figs to help treat health conditions related to the endocrine system, the reproductive system, breathing, and also to resolve digestive system disorders. Many of its health effects have been confirmed and people use it in different ways based on these properties.

What is a fig

Figs, with the scientific name Ficus Carica and the English name Figs, is a plant from the Tutian family and is used as a laxative. This fruit grows on a tree called Ficus (Ficus), which is a tree with a height of 2 to 4 meters, and has a single and sweet fruit that originates from a fleshy and hollow whale.

The green leaves of this tree are 20 to 25 cm long and circular, and the lower surface of these leaves has hair. There are flowers hidden inside the whale that are never exposed to light. This tree originally grew in Asia, especially Iran and Syria, but today it is planted in most places. In Iran, it grows in most regions, especially Tehran, Gilan and Mazandaran, East and West Azerbaijan Golestan, Central, Lorestan and Khorasan provinces.

Figs are usually dried on the tree, but they are damaged by birds before drying. Ripe figs are dried and stored in closed containers after being collected industrially or traditionally. Dried figs can remain unchanged for months in the refrigerator or cool places.

Types of figs

There are five types of figs around the world, each type has a special taste and sweetness, these types include the following:

black fig

As its name suggests, this fig has a black skin and the inside of the fruit is pink. They are super sweet. This type of fig is suitable for eating as a dessert or mixing in a cake or cookie recipe to increase the taste.

Kadotas figs

This type of fig has purple flesh and green skin. This fruit is the least sweet among all fig species.

Calimyrna figs

The color of this fig is yellowish green on the outer layer and amber on the inside. Compared to other types of figs, this type has a larger shape and has a unique and stronger flavor.

Turkish brown figs

Turkish figs have purple skin and red flesh. The flavor and taste of this type of fig is milder and sweeter than other types of figs. This type of fig is mostly used in salads.

Adriatic fig

Adriatics have light green skin and pink flesh inside. This type of figs are also called white figs because they are very light. They have a very sweet taste and can be used as a simple fruit dessert.

Properties of figs

Figs have many potential benefits that have made them a valuable fruit. In the following, we examine the most important properties of figs and dried figs:

Dried figs improve the health of the digestive system

Figs have long been used as a home remedy or alternative treatment for digestive problems such as constipation. The fruit is high in fiber, which softens and adds bulk to stool, reduces constipation, and acts as a probiotic or food source for healthy bacteria. Found in the intestine, it can help digestive health.

In the studies conducted on laboratory animals, giving fruit extract or fig fruit to these animals, it was found that this fruit helps to speed up the movement of food through the digestive system, reduce constipation and improve the symptoms of digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis.

Another study was conducted on 150 people with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C), which showed; Those who consumed about 4 dried figs (45 grams) per day had a significant reduction in symptoms of digestive problems including pain, bloating and constipation compared to the group that did not consume figs.

Additionally, a similar study in 80 people showed that supplementing with about 10 ounces (300 grams) of fig fruit extract daily for 8 weeks significantly reduced constipation compared to a drug-controlled group. gives.

Dried figs improve blood vessels and heart health

Fig consumption improves blood pressure and blood lipid levels, which can help improve the health of your arteries and greatly reduce the risk of heart disease. One study showed that fig extract reduced blood pressure in rats with normal blood pressure as well as in rats with high levels of blood pressure.

Other studies in laboratory animals have also shown improvements in total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, and triglycerides when supplementing with a combination of fig leaf extract. However, researchers believe that more human studies are needed to better understand the relationship between figs and heart health.

Dried figs help manage blood sugar levels

A study conducted in 1998 on 10 people with type 1 diabetes showed that drinking fig leaf tea with breakfast may reduce people’s insulin needs. During the one month that these people used fig leaf tea, their insulin dose decreased by about 12%.

In addition, recent studies have shown that beverages containing high doses of fig fruit extract have a lower glycemic index (GI) than beverages without fig extract, meaning that these beverages have a more favorable effect on blood sugar levels.

However, figs (especially dried figs) are high in sugar and may increase blood sugar levels in the short term. If you have problems in managing your blood sugar level and controlling its level, you should limit the consumption of dried figs.

Dried figs have potential anti-cancer properties

Many promising laboratory studies have been conducted on the effects of fig leaves on cancer cells. Fig leaves and natural latex of dark fig plants show anti-tumor activity against human colon cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and liver cancer cells.

Dried figs make the skin healthy

Figs may have beneficial effects on the skin, especially in people who have allergic dermatitis or dry and itchy skin as a result of various allergies. A study of 45 children with dermatitis showed that a cream made from dried fig fruit extract, applied twice daily for 2 weeks, was more effective in treating the symptoms of dermatitis than hydrocortisone cream, which is the standard treatment for this condition. has acted

In addition, research has shown that a combination of fruit extracts (including fig extract) have antioxidant effects on skin cells that have reduced collagen breakdown and improved wrinkles in a human and laboratory animal experiment.

Dried figs increase sexual desire and eliminate erectile dysfunction

Some people prefer to use certain herbs for their treatment due to the potential sexual stimulation of many plants. Fig is one of these plants, in fact, some people use it for its metabolizing properties and to increase libido. A study on lab rats tested the libido-enhancing effects of three plants: apples, Chinese cinnamon, and figs.

Researchers measured the effectiveness of a mixture of these plants by testing and studying the increase in the behavior of laboratory animals. The rats that received this mixture, compared to the control group with the drug, their sexual activity increased.

Dried figs help hair health

Very few studies have been conducted on the relationship between figs and hair health, however, in these few studies, it has been found that figs contain a large amount of iron, iron is considered an important mineral to help maintain hair health. Hair loss and shedding mostly happens due to lack of proper hair nutrition.

Figs contain hair nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin E, which promote hair growth. The essential nutrients in this fruit stimulate the blood circulation in the scalp to increase the speed of hair growth.

Dried figs have antipyretic properties

A study on laboratory mice showed that a single dose of alcoholic fig extract reduced body temperature for up to 5 hours. The high amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C present in fresh and dried figs help strengthen the immune system and are useful for preventing and treating colds, fever and flu.

Dried figs improve liver health

Figs remove blockages in the liver and thus strengthen a healthy liver, a study showed that fig leaf extract provides liver protective activities in laboratory mice and the way to use it to prevent liver damage. It smooths in man.

Different uses of figs

Figs can be used in the following ways:

fresh fruit

Fresh figs are one of the most delicious and special fruits that are used for various purposes such as making desserts, jams and cakes.

fig juice

They take a type of extract from figs, which is called juice, the juice obtained from figs is a good medicine for depression, this juice also destroys all types of warts.

dried fig

Figs are placed whole or sliced ​​in front of the sun or in a dryer and dried. Dried figs cure flatulence and flatulence. This dried fruit is 5 times more effective than fresh figs. It has calories. Dried figs have a lot of iron and can have a therapeutic effect on problems caused by iron deficiency.

How to prepare dried figs

Wash fully ripe figs with water. The best sign of a ripe fig is when it falls from the tree to the ground. Cut the fig from the middle of the stem so that a little bit of the stem is connected to the fig. Lay them on the mesh screen in one direction.

Place the net of figs in a place with direct sunlight. You can even put it on a car parked in the sun. Cover the figs with a white net cloth so that insects do not sit on it.

Let the figs stand in front of the sunlight for 2-3 days, bring them indoors when it gets dark and move them outside again in the morning sunlight.

When the outer surface of the fig is completely dry and wrinkled, and there is no juice left in the fig, the dried fig is ready.

Information and medicinal compounds of figs

Figs contain wonderful nutrients that include large amounts of furanocoumarins, saccharides, mucilages, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamin K, potassium, iron and magnesium. In addition, the dietary fiber of dried figs is more valuable than other fruits.

This fruit, whether fresh or dry, also boosts antioxidants and many active elements to increase your health, and also contains a small amount of omega-6 fatty acids, glutamic acid, and linoleic acid. Dried figs have 5 times more calories than fresh figs.

Each 100 grams of dried figs contains 249 calories, 3.3 grams of protein, 0.9 grams of fat, 69 grams of carbohydrates and 5.6 grams of fiber.

The parts used in fig

The used parts of the fig tree are its fruit and leaves. The fruit is used fresh or dried, and the dried leaves are used to make tea and tea.

The use of figs in traditional medicine

The traditional uses of figs include removing constipation, removing hemorrhoids, regulating blood pressure, etc., in modern medical science, the following things have been confirmed about the properties of figs:

  • The high fiber in figs makes the intestines active.
  • High potassium regulates blood pressure.
  • Its high alkalinity keeps blood acidity constant.
  • It reduces the need for secretory and injectable insulin and is useful for diabetics.
  • In Chinese medicine, figs are used to cure dysentery, inflammation of the small intestine, and intestinal irritation after surgery.

Disadvantages of excessive use of figs

The consumption of figs is prohibited for those who have severe diarrhea, people who have irritable bowels and constantly get diarrhea, and people with kidney stones should use this fruit with caution. Consumption in the recommended amounts is not associated with complications. Excessive consumption of figs has been reported to cause severe diarrhea, which resolves immediately when consumption is stopped.

 Key and important points about figs
  • Figs are known by other names such as Shal Anjir, Edible Fig, etc.
  • Because figs contain calcium oxalate, people suffering from kidney stones should avoid eating them.
  • Mucilage on top of figs helps to treat sore throat and protect the throat.

Fig nutritional value table

Figs consist of macronutrients and micronutrients according to the tables below, which make up its nutritional value.

The main ingredient in 100 grams

  • Energy (calories) 74 kcal
  • Carbohydrate 19.18 grams
  • Protein 0.75 grams
  • Fat 0.30 grams
  • 79.11 grams of water
  • Fiber 2.90 grams
  • Sugar 16.26 grams
  • Cholesterol 0.00 mg

Fig vitamins

Vitamin name, amount per 100 grams

  • Vitamin A 7.00 mcg
  • Vitamin D 0.00 mcg
  • Vitamin E 0.11 mg
  • Vitamin K 4.70 micrograms
  • Vitamin C 2.00 mg
  • Thiamine (B1) 0.06 mg
  • Riboflavin (B2) 0.05 mg
  • Niacin (B3) 0.40 mg
  • Choline (B4) 4.70 mg
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.30 mg
  • Vitamin B6 0.11 mg
  • Folate (B9) 6.00 micrograms
  • Vitamin B12 0.00 mg

Fig minerals

The name of the mineral, the amount per 100 grams

  • Calcium 35.00 mg
  • Iron 0.37 mg
  • Magnesium 17.00 mg
  • Phosphorus 14.00 mg
  • Potassium 232.00 mg
  • Sodium 1.00 mg
  • Zinc 0.15 mg
  • Copper 0.07 mg
  • Manganese 0.13 mg
  • Selenium 0.20 micrograms