dried plums

In addition to its delicious taste, plums also have many properties and benefits that come from vitamins, minerals and other useful contents. In addition to vitamins and minerals, plums are rich in fiber and antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of a variety of chronic diseases. Prunes are best known for several prominent properties, such as relieving constipation or fighting osteoporosis.
Prunes contain significant amounts of minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium) and vitamins E, C and precursors of vitamin A, which protect cells against free radicals and prevent their destruction.
Types of plums include:
Yellow plum
Red plum
Black plum

Harvest season
Plum harvesting season is from mid-summer (mid-August) to early autumn (end of October). At this time, plums reach their medium and large sizes.
Considering that buying agricultural products during the harvest season allows you to get a quality product at a better price, we recommend that you take the necessary steps to place an order in advance. we will help you along the way.

Rich in nutrients and useful:
The beneficial substances in plums are very noticeable. Plums contain more than 15 different vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. Of course, fiber and antioxidants must also be added to these materials. All of these substances and compounds are essential for maintaining optimal body function, and by including plums in the diet, part of the body’s need for these substances can be met.
Fight constipation:
The ability of plums to fight constipation is well known. The reason for this ability of plums is the abundant fiber in it, so that only one plum contains 1 gram of fiber. Most of the fiber in plums is insoluble in water and does not mix with water. Fiber increases the rate of passage through the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to fiber, plums also contain sorbitol. This compound naturally has laxative properties and fights constipation. Experience has shown that prunes are more effective against constipation than many other laxatives. Of course, due to this property of plums, its excessive consumption should be avoided.
Rich in antioxidants:
Plums are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidant compounds are essential for reducing inflammation in the body and protecting cells from free radical damage. Plums are especially rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that have a positive effect on bone health and help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. In fact, research has shown that plums contain twice as much polyphenols as other common fruits, such as tangerines and peaches. Among the antioxidants in the polyphenol group in plums, anthocyanin has the highest amount. This antioxidant has a high potential in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Suitable for lowering blood sugar:
Plums have properties that help lower blood sugar. Although plums contain sugar and carbohydrates, their consumption does not lead to a jump in blood sugar because consumption of plums leads to the secretion of the hormone adiponectin, which is effective in regulating blood sugar levels. The fiber in plums also prevents a sudden jump in blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates after a meal and slows its rise.
Strengthen bone health:
Some studies have shown that eating prunes can reduce the risk of debilitating bone diseases such as osteoporosis and decreased bone density. Not only is plum involved in preventing bone loss, but consuming it can reverse the loss of bone tissue and help restore lost bone density. The exact reason for this has not been determined in research, but the role of its antioxidants in reducing inflammation can not be ignored in this regard. Another reason could be the ability of plums to increase the level of hormones related to bone formation. In addition, plums contain several vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, which are involved in strengthening bones.
Increase heart health:
Regular consumption of plums can have a positive effect on heart health. Numerous studies have been done on lowering blood pressure and cholesterol by consuming plums. These studies have shown that daily and regular consumption of plums can lower blood pressure and lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol in the blood. Blood pressure and cholesterol are both major factors in reducing heart health and heart disease. The reason for the beneficial effect of plum consumption on the heart is its antioxidants, fiber and potassium.
Strengthens skin and hair:
It should be noted that red plums such as plums have higher levels of antioxidants than yellow plums and in addition to the common benefits with yellow plums, they also contain a good amount of iron, which in addition to B vitamins in them is useful for strengthening skin and hair health.