
Dried apricots, which are prepared from drying apricots, are one of the healthy and useful snacks that can be consumed throughout the year.

Dried apricots have many properties and benefits for the body due to their nutrients and vitamins, and are among the most popular and useful dried fruits.

Apricot has a sweet taste and its properties include strengthening the immune system, helping to lose weight, treating anemia, increasing the milk of pregnant women, skin care, improving vision, treating constipation, relieving indigestion, antitussive properties, preventing bleeding , Improved metabolism, energy supply of the body and so on

Dried apricots are made from a process in which the water in the fruit is evaporated.

This process is simple and does not affect the nutritional value of dried apricots.

In this process, only the amount of water-soluble and heat-sensitive vitamins in fresh fruit is slightly reduced. Other nutrients in this fruit become denser as a result of this process.

The nutritional value of dried apricots is similar to the nutritional value of fresh apricots mentioned in the previous articles.

Dried apricot kernels also contain vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium and can help improve general health and skin condition.

Harvest season

Apricot harvesting season is from mid-July to mid-August. At this time, apricots reach their proper size.

Considering that buying agricultural products during the harvest season allows you to get a quality product at a better price, we recommend that you take the necessary steps to place an order in advance. we will help you along the way.


Improve vision:

One of the properties of dried apricots; This is what will improve the quality of your vision. Dried apricots are rich in vitamin A or retinol, which has a beneficial effect on vision. Elderly and children, or people with vision loss or vision problems, can use this delicious food because of its properties.


Dried apricots are a rich source of fiber. If you are on a diet or want to start a diet, it is recommended that you include dried apricots in your diet list. Improving diabetes, overweight, CHD and various types of cancers are properties of dried apricots in traditional medicine. If you have restrictions on diet and food consumption, then be sure to include this food in your diet; Because it will also help digest your food.

Heart health:

As you know, potassium has a special responsibility in the activity of the heart and arteries in the human body. For patients undergoing heart surgery or developing heart problems, doctors recommend including dried apricots in your diet. The potassium in dried apricots will greatly help improve cardiovascular function and proper blood pressure. Do not neglect after consuming this food; Because one of the most basic properties of dried apricots is to help your heart health.

Treatment of skin problems:

Your skin needs water-soluble vitamins such as A and C on a daily basis. You need to get some of the nutrients your skin needs through nutrition. One of the most attractive properties of dried apricots is to help skin problems and hydrate it. Dried apricots, due to their high levels of vitamins A and C, can provide the nutrition your skin needs.

Improve intestinal problems:

The use of fiber helps the health of your intestines and eliminates digestive diseases. One of the properties of dried apricots is that it is a laxative and facilitates bowel movements and helps to improve constipation.

Bone Strengthening:

The more calcium our body absorbs, the harder our bones become and the lower the risk of osteoporosis. All bones need calcium to stay healthy and strong. Of the properties of dried apricots; It helps keep bones healthy. This delicious food contains calcium, which can strengthen your bones and reduce bone pain.

Reduce hair loss:

The substance that is important for the shine, freshness and health of your hair is called linoleic acid. Dried apricots are rich in fatty acids such as linoleic acid and have the ability to have a significant impact on the health of your hair and scalp.

Properties of dried apricots during pregnancy:

Consumption of dried apricots during pregnancy is safe and effective for the health of mother and fetus. However, it is recommended to be used during pregnancy in consultation with a doctor or nutritionist to avoid other symptoms. As you know, during pregnancy, the mother should eat foods rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins, calcium, fiber and so on.

Relieves constipation:

Of the properties of dried apricots; Due to its high fiber content, it helps with both digestion and constipation, which most mothers experience during pregnancy.

Compensates for anemia in mothers:

Of the properties of dried apricots; Iron deficiency can be eliminated, these nutrients increase the amount of hemoglobin in the body and prevent anemia during pregnancy.

Helps mothers's vision health:

Since maternal eye health and vision may change during pregnancy, consumption of dried apricots can play an effective role in preventing or improving eye health problems.

Controls blood sugar levels in the mother's body:

Having diabetes during pregnancy can be common for women and most women get it. Controlling and preventing high or low blood sugar in pregnant mothers is another property of dried apricots.

Causes fetal growth and development:

The fetus needs nutrients to grow. One of the most important properties of dried apricots during pregnancy is to help the fetus develop. Dried apricots are very suitable for both the mother and the fetus because of their nutrients and benefits.