Benefits and side effects of eating dried figs during pregnancy

Eating dried figs or fresh figs during pregnancy is very useful and nutritious, but consuming too much of it causes complications that pregnant women should know.

Benefits and side effects of figs during pregnancy

Figs are higher in nutrients, fiber and minerals than other fruits, vegetables and nuts. But when you are pregnant, you should check whether a food item is suitable for you and your baby.

The same applies to eating figs during pregnancy. This article focuses on whether or not to eat figs during pregnancy, the recommended amount to stay safe, or the possible dangers of consuming too much.

Can you eat figs during pregnancy?

Both types of fresh and dried figs that are consumed during pregnancy are safe, although in moderate amounts. Figs are among the healthiest fruits and contain essential minerals, sugars, fats, iron and calcium needed by mother and baby. Excessive consumption of figs is associated with diarrhea and tooth decay due to the high sugar in the fruit.

Nutritional value of figs

Figs have a special aroma and taste like honey and are different from other fruits in terms of taste and medicinal properties they provide. Figs are rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper. They also contain vitamins A, D, E, K and B complex, natural sugars, soluble fibers, organic acids and fats.

Health benefits of eating figs during pregnancy

When consumed in the right amounts, figs can provide the health benefits mentioned in this section of Namanak during pregnancy:

  1. The potassium in figs helps manage blood pressure and can reduce the risk of preeclampsia.
  2. Figs are rich in vitamin C, and the main function of vitamin C is to help absorb iron. Iron is very important to reduce the risk of anemia in pregnant women.
  3. Figs are very useful for anemia. Anemia is a common problem in pregnant women, which is very dangerous for the mother and the fetus. Because blood is necessary for the development of the fetus, and its deficiency can cause problems such as congenital diseases.
  4. Although high sugar can be dangerous for a pregnant woman, the natural sugar in figs is a healthy substance to supply the glucose needed by the body.
  5. Calcium is necessary for the growth of bones and teeth of the baby. This substance is necessary to maintain the strength of bones during pregnancy and after, so by consuming as much as figs and getting enough calcium, the pregnant mother will be able to perform her daily activities.
  6. Figs contain a substance similar to benzaldehyde, the use of which during pregnancy shrinks the cancerous masses in the breasts of pregnant women.
  7. Minerals in figs are relatively high compared to other fruits and vegetables. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals may cause disorders in the development of the baby and congenital diseases.
  8. Figs have an enzyme called proteolytic, which helps pregnant women in solving digestive problems with the fiber in figs.
  9. Figs contain vitamin B6, which can be effective in reducing morning sickness.
  10. Phosphorus is one of the important elements in the composition of figs, which is an important factor in strengthening intelligence and memory. Consumption of figs during pregnancy plays a key role in increasing the intelligence and memory of the fetus, as well as the growth and strengthening of the memory cells of the fetus.
  11. Figs have diuretic properties, that’s why it helps to cure urinary tract infection and eliminate harmful substances through urine during pregnancy.
  12. During pregnancy, most mothers have a great desire to eat foods and fruits, which lack of control eventually leads to excess weight of the mother and the fetus, and as a result, problems in the delivery process. Due to its high alkaline content, figs are a natural way to control the urge to eat, and as a result, the mother can follow a healthier diet plan.
  13. Omega-3 and folic acid play an important role in fetal brain development. In the first months of pregnancy, fig consumption helps the baby’s brain to grow.
  14. Figs are high in dietary fiber and are traditionally used as laxatives. Figs can be consumed in moderation to deal with constipation and other digestive problems.
  15. Figs are alkaline and can balance the acid level in the body.
  16. Psoralens is a chemical substance found in figs and can help resolve skin pigmentation problems such as melasma. These skin pigments in pregnancy are known as pregnancy spots.

Although these benefits may encourage you to include figs in your daily diet, you should always consult your doctor before doing so to reduce the risk of side effects.

Possible side effects of eating figs during pregnancy

Excessive consumption of figs can cause side effects such as:

  1. loose stools
  2. Low blood pressure and blood sugar
  3. allergy; If you are already allergic to pollen or berry fruits
  4. Photodermatitis due to the introduction of excess psoralens into the body

If you experience any of these side effects, avoid eating figs. Choosing the right variety and quality of figs is also very necessary to benefit from this fruit.

Ways to include figs in pregnancy diet

You can eat the fruit fresh and with its skin. Other ways of consumption are:

  • You can eat dried figs as a snack and satisfy your desire for sweets by consuming this fruit.
  • Add figs to milk to make milkshakes, ice cream or other desserts.
  • Add fresh or dried figs to salads.
  • Fig juice is also a good option.

Cook about 500 grams of chopped figs with a cup of sugar on low heat until the mixture thickens, to make fig juice.

Add figs to breads, cakes and flour-based foods for extra flavor.

Figs are a nutritious snack during pregnancy. No matter how much you love fruit, eat it in moderation to avoid side effects. Talk to your nutritionist to find out the ideal amount of fruit you can eat.