Everything you need to know about the properties of dried strawberries

How to prepare dried strawberries at home

Strawberry is one of the delicious summer fruits, the sweet and sour taste of this lovely fruit along with its unique properties have made it one of the most popular fruits among people of all ages. Strawberries are a nutritious and very healthy and harmless fruit, and it is a very suitable and effective choice for consumption in a healthy diet. The properties of dried strawberries are exactly the same as fresh ones, and they are very effective for inclusion in the diet.

Properties and benefits of strawberries

According to the World Health Organization, the daily use of 400 grams of fruits and vegetables will prevent the occurrence of various types of cancer, heart diseases, digestive problems, etc.

It might be interesting for you to know that there are nearly 200 types of strawberries in the world! All types of berries in the world have a wide range of antioxidants; This valuable substance will increase the resistance of the body’s immune system against pathogens.

Strawberries are rich in enzymes, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, etc.; Dried and fresh strawberries have the same benefits, with the difference that the amount of water and moisture in dried strawberries is small and insignificant.

In the following, we will examine the effect of the properties of dried strawberries on health and beauty.

Nutritional value of fresh strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and fiber. These substances are essential nutrients that improve the daily functioning of the body to carry out daily activities.

One cup of chopped dried or fresh strawberries (equal to 166 grams) contains a range of important nutrients in the following amounts:

  • Calories: 53 kcal
  • Protein: 1.11 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 12.75 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 3.30 grams
  • Calcium: 27 mg
  • Iron: 0.68 mg
  • Magnesium: 22 mg
  • Phosphorus: 40 mg
  • Potassium: 254 mg
  • Vitamin C: about 97.60 mg
  • Folate: 40 micrograms (mg)
  • Vitamin A: about 28 international units (IU)

In addition, strawberries also contain powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins, ellagic acid, quercetin, and kaempferol.

The effect of dried strawberries on health

Prevent all types of cancer

To date, no fruit has been shown to be a direct cure for cancer, but strawberries can simply reduce the risk of this disease in many people. Based on a scientific review in 2016 regarding the impact of strawberries on health, it has shown; The powerful antioxidants of dried strawberries work as a strong defense shield against free radicals. Free radicals are harmful substances that are absorbed by the body through the air and cause serious damage to the body over time. Antioxidants prevent the activity of free radicals in the body and prevent dangerous diseases such as cancer. This study shows that the consumption of organic dried strawberries becomes an effective factor against inhibiting the growth of cell tumors and reducing inflammation in the body.

Help to cure diabetes

Dried strawberries without additives are a healthy fruit and a good choice for people with diabetes. The significant amount of fiber found in strawberries helps regulate blood sugar and keep its level stable throughout the day.

Fiber increases the feeling of satiety and helps you to control your false appetite well. Reducing the consumption of snacks and meals throughout the day will help manage glucose and reduce the risk of high blood sugar. Fiber increases the body’s metabolism and burns more calories. This will cause you to lose weight over time.

Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases

As we mentioned, dried strawberries are rich in antioxidants. There are flavonoids such as catechin, kaempferol and anthocyanin in this dried fruit and they are beneficial for your heart health. This dry fruit reduces the amount of harmful fat in the blood, and for this reason, it is a factor in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also improves blood circulation and helps maintain heart health.


This dry fruit prevents the occurrence of diabetes and helps to treat this disease. If its consumption is completely organic, it is used to regulate blood sugar and fight against increased appetite. Also, its antioxidants prevent cancer. Dried strawberry fruit is useful for reducing the risk of heart attack and improves heart health.

Blood pressure treatment

Due to its high potassium content, dried strawberries compensate for the effects of sodium (salt) in the body; According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), less than 2% of American adults consume the recommended 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day.

Dried strawberries are satiating because of their fiber content and help people benefit from more potassium in their daily diet.

 Treatment of constipation

One of the causes of constipation is not eating vegetables and fruits and as a result, intestinal dryness. Vegetables and fruits make bowel movements easier due to their high fiber sources. Eating foods such as strawberries, grapes, watermelon, and cantaloupe that are high in water and fiber can help hydrate the body and maintain regular and easy bowel movements.

Eating strawberries during pregnancy

Strawberries are a rich source of folate. Consuming one cup of dried strawberries provides 10% of your daily requirement of this powerful substance. Research on the effect of folate on the body shows; Folate consumption during pregnancy is very important. Folate will promote full growth and development without harming the fetus and its nervous system.

bone health

Include strawberries in your children’s diet, potassium and vitamin K sources will keep their bones healthy during growth and adulthood.


Dried strawberries prevent high blood pressure and its consumption treats constipation due to its high fiber content. This dry fruit has a lot of folate and eating it during pregnancy prevents damage to the neural tube of the fetus. It also causes adequate absorption of potassium and vitamin K in the body, which is effective in maintaining bone health.

Dental health and bone whiteness

Strawberries contain malic acid and this substance will change the color of the teeth. You can use dried strawberries and let them soak in water or use a few fresh strawberries and make a herbal toothpaste.

Mix strawberries with some soda and then brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush; After 5 minutes, brush your teeth with toothpaste and then wash your teeth. Note that you should not do this more than twice a week, because it will damage your tooth enamel.

skin care

Dried strawberry fruit with its useful compounds affects the reduction of pimples and acne. This dry fruit exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells. The presence of high amounts of vitamin C in it increases the collagen production of the skin. This feature removes skin discoloration and prevents premature aging. It also protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Blood pressure control

Dried strawberries contain the mineral magnesium, which regulates blood pressure and improves blood supply to the body.

How to dry strawberries

Drying strawberries is very simple and you can prepare dried strawberries mainly in three ways. The properties of this dry fruit do not change after drying.

1. How to prepare dried strawberries in the oven

Cut the strawberries evenly and place them in the oven tray. Slice the strawberries as evenly as possible. Identical cuts, in addition to being beautiful, cause all pieces to dry at the same time.

Place the slices in the oven on the lowest heat; It is better to leave the oven door open after heating for 1 hour. Visit the strawberries once every half an hour. After an hour your dried strawberries are ready. It is better to let the strawberries cool. If you use a microwave to do this; Put the microwave on the defrost mode and time for half an hour.

2. How to dry strawberries in the sun

Wash the strawberries well and slice them; Then put it in a tray and place it in front of the sun; It is better to draw a thin net over it so that they don’t get dirty. Let them be exposed to direct sunlight for three days.

You can turn the slices on different days and after they are completely dry, put them in the basket, drain and leave them on the sink until they are completely dry. This method requires more time to dry.

You can store this dry fruit in the refrigerator for 6 months.


It is possible to prepare dried strawberries in the sun, oven and microwave.

Application of dried strawberries

Make your own fruit cocktail with dried strawberries and other fresh dried fruits. Add grapes, pineapple, chopped peaches and strawberries. If desired, mix a small amount of honey on top of the fruit to make it sweeter.

Add chopped strawberries to plain Greek yogurt with yogurt and chopped almonds.

Top waffles, pancakes with strawberries, or tuck them into cookies and brownies. You can also mix strawberries in foods with a little water and use them as a fresh syrup for dessert or breakfast. Mix chopped strawberries in spinach salad with walnuts and goat cheese.

final word

Dried fruits are very nutritious if they are prepared without added sweeteners and in the right conditions, and you can use them as a healthy snack. You can also use dried fruit in preparing dessert or baking sweets.

One of the advantages of dried fruit over fresh fruit is its storage time, dried fruit can be stored for a longer period of time without refrigeration. By buying dried strawberries, you can store this fruit in four seasons and benefit from its properties.